A typical day includes you coming in and sitting at the computer taking and translating bets, having a laugh with customers and being able to pop out for a cigarette whenever you like. I found the company to be great to work for and since leaving have realised how nice the job and benefits were. I worked with William Hill for 6 years, In this time I went from a part time cashier to a full time manager. The only thing I was lucky to have was a great shop team, they made the job more bareable but some might not be so lucky. Old computer systems that do not enable you to do your job properly. Not paid no where near enough in respects of what is expected of you, for instance working alone, confronting customers on safe gambling, money laundering, constant training and treated like children by upper management who have no clue of how things work from behind counter. Pushy upper management, targets need to be hit and explanations will be needed if not gained targets. A lot of the time working alone with security procedures in place but still not secure ie buddy shop miles away, toilets downstairs and workplace up stairs, not supposed to lock the door during opening hours which makes you feel unsecured when jobs need done from behind counter. Long hours, working between 8.30-10.30, not paid for minutes where you are held back.
Used to be a great job when upper management was good but things changed.